JavaScript SDK

JavaScript SDK is based on the Nvision image processing service as Promise based function call and WebSocket client with TypeScript definition provided.


Before you begin to use this SDK, these quickstarts will guide you to get started with the Nvision API.


Install @nipacloud/nvision via NPM or Yarn to your project.

yarn add @nipacloud/nvision

Importing the SDK

Import the SDK module to your source file

const nvision = require("@nipacloud/nvision")
// or use the ES6 import
import nvision from "@nipacloud/nvision"

Additional setup for front-end app

If you use the SDK in the front-end application, you need to import the browser variant provided at @nipacloud/nvision/dist/browser/nvision.js

const nvision = require("@nipacloud/nvision/dist/browser/nvision")
// or use the ES6 import
import nvision from "@nipacloud/nvision/dist/browser/nvision"

If you use the SDK in the webpack-based project, you can provide the module resolution alias in your webpack configuration.

module.exports = {
  "resolve": {
    "alias": {
      "@nipacloud/nvision": "@nipacloud/nvision/dist/browser/nvision.js"

If you correctly setup the module resolution, you can import module using a typical module name @nipacloud/nvision without path.

Using the object detection service

To use the object detection service, you need to create the service object using objectDetection() generator function

const nvision = require("@nipacloud/nvision");

const objectDetectionService = nvision.objectDetection({
    apiKey: "<YOUR_RESTFUL_KEY>",
    streamingKey: "<YOUR_STREAMING_KEY>"

You do not have to provide both apiKey or streamingKey . If you use only API call, you can provide only apiKey , this applied to WebSocket streaming too.

Making an API call

You can make an API call using predict() function of the service object

Function signature
predict ({
    rawData: string,
    confidenceThreshold?: number,
    outputCroppedImage?: boolean,
    outputVisualizedImage?: boolean
}): Promise<{
    service_id: string,
    detected_object: {
        bounding_box: {
            bottom: number,
            left: number,
            right: number,
            top: number
        parent: string,
        name: string,
        confidence: number,
        cropped_image: string





Base64 string encoded JPEG/PNG image

outputCroppedImage (optional)

Set "OutputCroppedImage" parameter, if true, API response will include the cropped images for each bounding box in Base64 encoded JPEG/PNG format. Default is false.

confidenceThreshold (optional)

Set "ConfidenceThreshold" parameter" to define the minimum confidence score of the prediction results.

outputVisualizedImage (optional)

Set "OutputVisualizedImage" parameter to return drawn detection objects on raw image

Promised return object



Service ID associated to the API key used


List of the detected objects


Classified name of the object


Confidence value of the prediction


Bounding box cropped image


import nvision from "@nipacloud/nvision";

const objectDetectionService = nvision.objectDetection({
    apiKey: "<YOUR_RESTFUL_KEY>"

).then((result) => {
    // Outout the result object to console

Streaming video frames through WebSocket

You can make a WebSocket connection using stream() generator function to get the streaming client object.

stream (): {
    on: (event: string, listener: (eventArgs: any) => unknown) => void;
    once: (event: string, listener: (eventArgs: any) => unknown) => void;
    connect: () => Promise<void>;
    predict: ({
        sourceId?: string, 
        frameId?: string,
        rawData: string | ArrayBuffer, 
        confidenceThreshold?: number,
        outputCroppedImage?: boolean,
        outputVisualizedImage?: boolean
    }) => Promise<void>;


Returned object




Add an event subscriber, Possible event are "connect", "message", "error"


Add a one-time event subscriber, Possible event are "connect", "message", "error"


Establish the WebSocket connection


Send the data through the websocket


This example uses opencv4nodejs to capture the webcam image, then submit it through the WebSocket channel.

const OpenCV = require("opencv4nodejs");
const nvision = require("@nipacloud/nvision");
const objectdetectionStreamClient = nvision.objectDetection({
    streamingKey: "<YOUR_STREAMING_KEY>"

// display visualized image 
objectdetectionStreamClient.on("message", (data) => {
    console.log("raw_data size:", data.raw_data.length);
    const img = OpenCV.imdecode(data.raw_data);
    OpenCV.imshow("visualization", img);

objectdetectionStreamClient.on("sent", (bytesSent) => { 
    console.log("video frame sent: ", bytesSent, "bytes")

objectdetectionStreamClient.connect().then(() => {
    const cvCam = new OpenCV.VideoCapture(0);
    setInterval(() => {
        const cvCamFrameMat =;
        const jpgEncoded = OpenCV.imencode(".jpg", cvCamFrameMat);

        // make prediction request
            rawData: new Uint8Array(jpgEncoded.buffer),
            confidenceThreshold: 0.1,
            outputCroppedImage: false,
            outputVisualizedImage: false
    }, 1000);

Last updated